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We've got liberals attacking on all different fronts. What do you expect? That's right. A poem made just for grunts. My brothers. Our war wasn't just in Iraq. Our country is more divided now since we came back. Antifa BLM there's too many to list. Out there in masks with guns they deserve more than just our fist. These unamerican pieces of shit are tearing down our home.

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Verse 1 Who'll fuck you today? As exactly as me? Who'll pamper tits? And fuck him during the day? Maybe you prefer cunnilingus? I can do it too You have a pussy like a rosette And I've a dick like an animal Verse 2 Then get the fuck out You ass-fucked whore Your big pussy Like an old caftan sleeve Oh get the fuck out I don't want to know you You fucking motherfucker has a jackhammer in your ass Verse 3 What the fuck do I care about your flowers? Your fucking lilac?

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I'm fairly sure you've been effected by the pill. Look at the truth. I refuse pussy pamper lyrics accept and accommodate people who are fucked up in the head. Yes every single one. With a dick or with a clit. You sit there and claim I'm privileged for my life. I think it's high time we the people stand and declare. With y'all or all alone. The wonders are endless with this beautiful wonderful plant. With pot I've found relief. You and politicians are committing the same crime, pussy pamper lyrics. Well I've got my proof. Opinie o produkcie. I say we wreck their souls.

I've killed more than just a few.

  • See what you're doing is really truly wrong.
  • Those were trained enemies who knew how to attack.
  • Pot does give me peace but how can my soul be healed?


But I'll save all the facts no the purpose to this song. Chorus Now in this second verse let me make one thing clear. Let's look at the situation which will unfold. Jeden użytkownik uznał opinię za pomocną. Loli-Kami Requiem. Chorus: Sorry guys but this shit can't be ignored. With y'all or all alone, pussy pamper lyrics.

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But then I've got songs like this dedicated to the green. There's researchable facts. Some aren't that harmful but some will strip you of your will. How the hell do you prepare? It's medically proven to be a malfunction of the brain. For well over a year, pussy pamper lyrics. Well I've got my proof. That's all you need. And you expect America to believe its pussy pamper lyrics than what it seems? We've gotten sick of all you chumps.

If that's your opinion then you need to listen here. Find my peace within myself I don't even have to try, pussy pamper lyrics. You stupid gay ass clown. It's your established school. I doubt that you're offended. Every word is true.

You claim you have pussy pamper lyrics proof. Fill your lungs. These are young adults. And to be honest. Goodreads Recenzje książek i rekomendacje. I'm sorry guys but something needs to be said. Excerpts are provided by Dial-A-Book Inc. Pussy pamper lyrics 1 Who'll fuck you today? But tons of veterans see on your knee and their heart pumps. And it's totally different. You don't get what you want all you have to do is cry. Well fuck you media. Our crimes are very rare. You'll say anything as long as your receive a dime. Pot bars and weed growing wild. Feelings have no fucking place. O nas. Długość wersji drukowanej. I've had enough of this shit, pussy pamper lyrics.

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